Yes I've been lazy. We have been doing bits and pieces on the house though and the good news is that two whole rooms are completely finished (ooh three if you count the pantry)! The others are all pretty close, like if we paint the kickboards in the kitchen it's finished, paint the window in the ensuite and grout around the mirror it's done, paint the doors in the kids' bedrooms they are done etc. Lots of little jobs that we keep putting off because we are crap.
Having Xmas here has helped galvanise us into action because we have to show off a bit. Especially for the out-laws who are still finishing their house. Now into it's 35th year of finishing with no real end in sight yet. Our first anniversay of building comes up in January, not bad considering D has done most of it himself, while still working full time and for all of it I was either pregnant or with a brand new baby. So we've done all right. We are hoping to do more during the Xmas-New Year break with all those lovely public service days off. Or we might just eat too much and sit around groaning. It's nice to have options.
Unfortunately I can't post any photos because our camera had an altercation with Charlie and Charlie won. Actually I think he just dropped it, on the lens which was one of those ones that moves and focuses itself. Needless to say it doesn't do that anymore. The guy in the camera shop said it's probably cheaper, easier and faster to buy a new one. So we will see what is left in the kitty post Xmas. Could be a while.